Repeating the same actions 700x for 8 hours, standing up.




UX, , Prototype, User-testing


10 months

As a employee in the warehouse I want to easily check and treat the returned item so that I can place it on the right container.

As Veepee I want my employees to treat more efficiently the items so that they can have easier conditions and avoid less human mistakes

Note: Strict Google Material Design System was mandatory


Improve the current interface
Improve treatment efficiency by 5%
Improve employee satisfaction by 20%


User research was very useful and interesting in this project. The people treating returned parcels are standing up 8 hours a day and treat on average 700 items. They have multiple actions to take on the screen to treat one parcel. I realise how unadapted was the current solution, forcing the employee to blink their eyes or rise the arm too high to make some actions. The current tool was designed for people sitting at a desk, not standing people with longer distance from the screen.

User interviews

  1. How can we reduce the numbers of actions the user has to make

  2. How can we increase accessibility and readability

  3. Using only Google Material components

Challenges encountered

The results were great. Bigger buttons, more efficiently placed on the interface, bigger images, keyboard shortcuts, automatisation of actions, better use of psychology of colours and we managed to improve the processing time by 4% and employee satisfaction by 32%.


  • See the users in action, as much as possible

  • Designing an interface for a 10 minute flow (booking a hotel) if not the same than designing an interface used 8 hours a day

  • Designing for non tech-savvy people

  • A reliable product is good, a reliable and FAST product is better

Take aways

Project screenshots

Current solution in the warehouse.

Screens are high and small, every UI elements are small. Very busy conditions

Designed solution.

Bigger pictures

Keyboard shortcuts

Big buttons with colors

High contrast

Some parcel needed strict placement, use of color was important to avoid mistakes.

Specs and userflows.

Some of the mobile app flows designed for the people in warehouses.

More case studies

Ease a (very) long questionnaire with sensitive questions

Questionnaires are a pain, especially whith dozens of personal and sensitive questions. See how we manage to make it smooth and non-judgmental.

Ending the “no show“ of free online workshops

Everyone has done it: Signing up for a free online workshop and not showing up. See how we did to incentive users to signup and participate.