Ending the “no show“ of free online workshops


Oliva Health


UX, UI, Prototype, User-testing


3 months

As a user I wand to signup for a online workshop so that I can improve my wellbeing

As a company admin I want to schedule private workshops for my employees and that they show up at much as possible


Design a whole flow for the employees
Design a flow for the company admin
Find a way to attend a private workshop without account
Reach an attendance rate of 70%


User research help us understand why so many people where not showing up. It’s usually because it’s not mandatory and even if they are interested in the topic, when the day is coming they have other occupations or meetings coming.

User interviews

  1. How can a company admin schedule a workshop for their employees but as well join one for themselves on the same page

  2. Users don’t want to go through a signup to join a workshop

  3. Incentive users to be present

  4. Complex if-else flow

Challenges encountered

It’s been decided to release the company admin feature in a next version as it was not validated yet the need for it. Thanks to connections with Slack and some automatic reminders, we increased the presence rate to 62% (the objective was 70%).


  • Validate the need first (admins didn’t need an automated scheduling UI)

  • Use positive messaging to give responsibility to the users

  • Signing up is still a blocker

  • Asynchronous content or VOD is flexibility

Take aways

Project screenshots

A small part of the complex flow for logged in users and anonymous ones

UI of the workshop and start of the booking flow

Company admin booking flow giving also the option to invite teammates by email.

Use of the connected Slack app to send invitations, confirmations and reminders.

We prefer that a user cancel its attendance instead of not showing up. Also places are limited so someone else can book.

We ask as well the reason to understand better the amount of no-show.

Email sent as confirmation and reminders.

We gave emphasis to the “Cancel module“ to allow people to join the class as places were limited.

More case studies

Ease a (very) long questionnaire with sensitive questions

Questionnaires are a pain, especially whith dozens of personal and sensitive questions. See how we manage to make it smooth and non-judgmental.

Repeating the same actions 700x for 8 hours, standing up.

That’s why we had to optimise the parcel return flow for employees in the warehouses. Working conditions are very hard, see how we manage to ease their day a little.