Make it a unicorn 🦄




UX, UI, Design System, User-testing, Mentoring, Hiring


2 years

After a few pivots of the product, Travelperk found its Product Market Fit. The problem was that both the design and code suffered from those pivots. It was time to refactor the app from scratch and re-design and re-build everything.


Design the platform foundations solid enough to grow the company and make it the next unicorn.


On top of regular interviews with travel managers, office managers, CFOs and travelers, we also ran “Fresh eyes sessions“ with every new employee joining the company.

In 2 years the company 10x the workforce, so we had a constant flow of new users to test multiple scenarios.

User interviews

  1. Adding 2 verticals (cars and trains) with a consistent user experience than hotels and flights

  2. Build a user profile

  3. Onboard travel APIs that return all different informations

  4. Make the product fit for small companies and large ones

  5. Build a solid design system to sustain the growth

  6. Start a iconography and illustration set

  7. Build an itinerary that scale with constant price changes

  8. Remove hassle for the travel manager as much as possible

  9. Measure travelers NPS

  10. Build the 1st mobile app


Numbers speak for themselves:

In 2024 the foundations are still the same.
The company moved from 50 to 1000+ employees.
It became a unicorn.


  • Clever teamwork is the key

  • Keep it super simple

  • Test the product to everyone in the company, especially Customer Support

  • Eat your own dogfood

  • Iterate fast

  • Be flexible

Take aways

Some projects & features I’ve been deeply involved in

Design System

I started by redesigning the homepage by including the search box right away. The travel experience starts here.

I designed the background and its varieties.

The design of the flight cards and their filters look simple but there is a huge amount of work behind. We can’t realise how many edge-cases can be possible.

I worked on flight options, selecting fares, baggages and seats. Iconography is important here.

To improve booking rate we built a way to offer accomodations right after the flight selection.

I designed the hotel cards. also coming with a lot of edge cases and options

I designed the hotel room details panel.

Some instructions need to be very clear, especially cancelations policies and checkin details.

Presenting the big boy: The Itinerary

I designed it from scratch and its interactions as well. It’s a core feature that is at the center of the user experience for the traveler.

I designed some of the budget and travel approval processes. The idea is to remove as much hassle as possible for the travel manager.

I designed the entire user profile, mandatory piece of the app, especially for travel documents and payments cards.

My last project was the start of the integration and market place, an essential feature to grow the company.

I designed the illustrations for many of the transitions and empty states. As well as the icons.

I design the very first mobile app, the travel companion. It was developed in React Native.

The design system was a huge part of the work, as more and more designers joined the company.

We had a few iterations but it’s still the same one that is used.

Many many workshops were run with the teams.

Workshop to create the native mobile apps, including the traveler journey.

Nothing would have been possible without an amazing team and a great company culture.

More case studies

Ending the “no show“ of free online workshops

Everyone has done it: Signing up for a free online workshop and not showing up. See how we did to incentive users to signup and participate.

Repeating the same actions 700x for 8 hours, standing up.

That’s why we had to optimise the parcel return flow for employees in the warehouses. Working conditions are very hard, see how we manage to ease their day a little.